As a childhood cancer survivor and scientist, Vicky is a keen advocate for improving the lives of children who have or have survived cancer. Her passion for representing this community has led to her speaking at numerous events including TED Global in Tanzania in August 2017, where her TED talk focused on the long-term side effects from treatment that cancer survivors often face. She has also given invited survivorship and patient-engagement focused talks to numerous organizations including the Society for Neuro-oncology, the National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute, The Canadian Cancer Clinical Trials Network (3CTN) and the American Psychosocial Oncology Society.
Vicky authored an invited 2022 “World View” article for Nature Reviews Cancer on “What Cancer Survivors Can Teach Cancer Researchers.”
She also runs a Facebook group 'Childhood cancer survivors unite for research' dedicated to connecting survivors, family members and medical/research professionals to discuss survivorship research.
Vicky is the co-founder of a scheme launched in April 2019 called ‘Cancer Survivor Social Media,’ which aims to promote interaction between cancer survivors and everybody involved in their care and survivorship research. We currently operate mostly through our Twitter account and use the hashtag #CSSMchat.