Milestone for Forbes

Recently, my articles on Forbes reached a total of 10 million pageviews, with around 2/3 of those being in the last 18 months. Writing news stories, deep dives and debunk articles about the pandemic and fitting this in around my full-time job has been a challenge, but I have learned a lot and have been privileged to work with the editorial staff and other amazing contributing writers.

I've also been able to write some stories which I know from feedback have helped people during the pandemic, which is a great feeling as a writer and science communicator. These have been on a variety of topics including explaining how vaccines work, whether takeaway food is safe during the pandemic and whether certain medical conditions will prevent people from getting vaccinated or not.

I have no formal training in science or healthcare writing, so I really owe a lot to everybody who has helped me and taken a chance on me along the way. Thank you to everybody who has ever read and shared my articles and in particular, thank you to the wonderful editors, mentors and colleagues from a variety of publications and organizations who have helped me over the past few years.